Sonucu Daralt
Fiyat Aralığı
Eser Sahibi
(x)Daniel Defoe
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Toplam 3 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
Kitap, İngiltere'de yaşayan orta halli bir ailenin en küçük oğlu olan Robinson Kreutzner'in dünyayı gezme hayalleri ile çıktığı yolculukları ve bu sırada karşılaştığı olayları anlatır. Bu yolculuklar sırasında, seyahat ettiği gemi batınca ıssız bir adada 28 yıl tek başına yaşamak zorunda kalır. Sonradan eklenen ve Robinson Crusoe'nun Yeni Serüvenleri adı verilen ikinci kitapta, Robinson döner. Burada bir süre kaldıktan sonra yine denize açılır. Madagaskar'dan, Çine Rusyaya geçerek İngiltere'ye döner. Bu yo
190 TL.
Friday moved back running and he began to yell loudly. Master, Master! Frightful! Very terrible, the cannibals! What's up Friday? I asked. There... there, one, two, three canoe! Well, Friday, you shouldn't be afraid of them. I heartened him as possible as I could. He was so trembling that I in a big confusion went to calm him down and explained that I was, too, in menace. I was in as much danger as he, and that they would eat me as well as him. But, said I, We must resolve to fight them. Friday, could you f
100 TL.
Friday moved back running and he began to yell loudly. Master, Master! Frightful! Very terrible, the cannibals! What's up Friday? I asked. There... there, one, two, three canoe! Well, Friday, you shouldn't be afraid of them. I heartened him as possible as I could. He was so trembling that I in a big confusion went to calm him down and explained that I was, too, in menace. I was in as much danger as he, and that they would eat me as well as him. But, said I, We must resolve to fight them. Friday, could you f
80 TL.
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Toplam 3 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1