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Toplam 257 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 220-240 / Aktif Sayfa : 12
The most amazing book ever written. King Solomon's Mines is Allan Quatermain's account of his explorations with Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good. Following an ancient map, the adventurers set out from South Africa, to travel into wilderness, and to seek Sir Henry's lost brother. For months, they cross the vast desert, where they almost die of hunger and thirst.
80 TL.
Will Anne, who is the protagonist of the story, act with her inner voice or with the voices around herself? Will she accept love of Captain Wentworth? Or, will she reject him again as she did seven years ago?
80 TL.
Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sisters both of which are intelligent, sensitive, charming, and beatiful. In this brilliant story, Jane Austen explores two different ways of thinking, the 'sense' of Elinor and the 'sensibility' of Marianne. Elinor values propriety and common sense; she is prudent and cautious with a strong sense of duty. Marianne, is a wild romantic, never acting or thinking in a moderate way. In their lives full of love and uncertainity, the sisters had to o ercome problems through their
80 TL.
You are going to find yourself in the distraction of reading the story of a group of people struggling to find an amazing treasure, and what they experienced during their voyage. One of the most popular and absorbing adventure novels of all times is now in simplified English, for all of you to read it.
80 TL.
The 30's when America is suffering from the great Depression. Hard times to survive... A strong friendship where everyone else is lonely... Two men whose only dream is to have a piece of heaven on earth someday... Are they going to make it to the heaven?
80 TL.
Everyone in Paris was talking about the ghost at the Opera who was so mysterious and could not be seen. The managers and the lovers suffered from the Phantom but unable to solve the mystery behindd it. You will want to solve the mystery behind the unusual events by passing through the secret corridors and trap-doors in the Opera and find out the reality behind the ghost. Maybe you will love him or hate him when you learn his story.
80 TL.
Stolen from his pampered life on a Californian estate and shipped to the cold north of Canada, Buck's new life is very hard. During his wild adventure he works as a sledge dog, he meets dangerous men and dogs; he must change to live. As the time passes by Buck triumphs over his circumstances, but can he be the leader of the dog pack or can he learn to be happ? Buck is now a different dog as he answers the call of the wild'.
80 TL.
When young David Balfour arrives at his uncle's Scottish house to claim his inheritance, his relative first tries to murder him. Then he has him shipped off to be sold as a slave in the colonies. Fortunately for the lad he makes a friendship with Alan Breck escaping from Bonnie, Prince Charlie's defeat at Culludon. When the ship's captain tries to kill Breck for his money the two manage to get to land. Will they be able to survive in this wild and dangerous world?
80 TL.
Clarissa Dalloway is giving a party. Yet, her thoughts and feelings are stuck between her past and today. Her first lover Peter Walsh's visit makes Clarissa consider her marriage and life; white soon after the 1st World War Septimus Warren Smith kills himself to offer a tragedy for others who don't know the real meaning of life. Clarissa's party becomes the very place to unite life and death.
80 TL.
The four daughters of the March family, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy live with their mother, and they feel sorry for their father's absence. Life is not easy for them since they are not rich. But still they don't give up. Altough they are very young, they do their best to help each other, to earn money, and to improve their talents. The story starts at Christmas, and in one year the four girls withstand the difficulties of life. But they manage so well that each sorrow brings a joy afterwards. This is why, the sto
80 TL.
Rusya ve Rusça konuşan diğer ülkelerle giderek artan ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkilerde ortaya çıkan iletişim sorunlarının çözümüne katkıda bulunmak amacıyla hazırlanan bu kitap, yurtdışı yolculuklarınızda ve çeşitli amaçlarla Türkiye'ye gelen Rusça konuşan turistlerle kolay iletişim kurabilmeniz için içerdiği her duruma uygun 2500'den fazla cümle örneği ve çok sayıdaki sözcük ile yanınızdan hiç ayıramayacağınız boyu küçük ama içeriği zengin bir iletişim kaynağı olacaktır.
150 TL.
Count Dracula is very enthusiastic about going to London. With a dense population and many people to victimize, it is a paradise for him. It is not that hard to go there when he has servants to help. What is important is to be able to stay long enough for a good hunt. However, there is something he should bear in mind: Sometimes the hunter might become the hunt.
80 TL.
Living without adults, having magical adventures and never growing up; these are possible only in the Neverland. Peter Pan comes to the Darlings nursery one night and teaches Wendy, John and Michael to fly. Soon he takes them to this dreamlike island. They have strange adventures with redskins, wild animals and mermaids, but the most exciting ones with pirates. Hook, the fearsome captain of the pirates, gets into a fight with the children. Are you ready for the biggest adventure with Peter and his friends?
80 TL.
In the 17th century Boston is a small town. But all the townspeople wait for Hester Prynne. The beatiful young woman gets out of prison with a baby in her arms. They call her sinner. They want to know who the father of the child is. But Hester doesn't give a name. She keeps her secret and wears the scarlet letter A on her dress. A for adulteress. Only the power of love can make Hester confess her secret.
80 TL.
Heidi is the story of a lovely little girl. It has been one of the favourite books for over 100 years. She loves to live with her grandfather and to be with her friends in the mountains. But what happens if she goes to live in a big city? What is waiting for her? ou will laugh and cry with Heidi as you read her story.
80 TL.
Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu´nun belirlediği çerçeve programı göz önünde bulundurularak hazırlanan bu ders kitabı, öğrencinin istifadesine de uygun bir şekilde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Teorik bilgilere derinlemesine girilmiştir. Konuların kısaca tanımları yapılarak örnekli bilgilere ağırlık verilmiştir.
250 TL.
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Toplam 257 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 220-240 / Aktif Sayfa : 12